Pamama "plan B"

Legal Support to move and relocate to Panama



Why Panama?

"Panama stands out as a compelling choice for investors seeking a financially robust destination in Latin America. Renowned for its favorable tax environment, Panama also serves as a reliable hub for financial and banking services. Investors benefit from strong legal protections that shield their assets and finances from devaluations, currency fluctuations, and inflationary pressures.
Moreover, Panama boasts one of Latin America's most stable and lucrative real estate markets. Investing in banking or real estate opportunities not only provides financial advantages but also opens doors for residency or visa applications, offering a pathway for you and your family to establish a secure foothold in the country.
This comprehensive approach creates a private shield around your assets, making Panama an ideal 'Plan B' for safeguarding your wealth and ensuring your family's well-being."
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Retirement in Panama

  • Lifetime Residence in Panama: Available to retirees from any country.

  • Identification of Panama: Provided as part of the residence package.

  • Minimum Age Requirement: None specified; open to retirees of all ages.

  • Income Criteria: Monthly retirement payment exceeding $1,000.

  • Eligibility Based on Retirement Status: Recognized retirees from public entities such as Social Security, Public Retirement Plans, Public Universities, or ministries, receiving lifelong monthly pensions or retirement income.


Real Estate in Panama  


Panama's Qualified Investment Immigration Program:

  • Increasingly popular among international investors.
  • Offers lifetime residency in Panama.

Minimum Standards for Asset Allocation in Panama:

  • Security and political stability.
  • Use of the dollar as currency.
  • Strong banking and global connectivity.
  • Other competitive advantages.

Investment Requirement for Panama's Qualified Investor Residency Program:

  • $300,000 investment in a property.

Application Process for Permanent Residency in Panama:

  • Takes only 30 days upon correct submission of required documentation.


Panama has no "currency exchange" controls. The USD dollar is a legal tender in the country. 

Due to the financial and monetary freedom allowed by the country's constitution, many real estate developers allow the purchase of properties through cryptocurrencies.


Panama's geographical location makes it the perfect place to travel.

There are daily direct flights from Panama to all of Europe, as well as to major cities in the United States, Central, and South America, and throughout the Caribbean. 

Safe Country

Panama is one of the safest countries in Latin America. 

The country has received the highest rating in tourist safety by the world-renowned Pinkerton Intelligence Agency.

Real Estate

All options: City, Farms, Mountains or Beachfront. Direct financing from real estate developers.

The Real Estate Tax is 1.5%. The Panamanian real estate market offers profitable returns, either by buying splits or renting properties.


PGS Attorneys

How can we assist you?

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